Consumer Driven
Personal Care Services
Promoting equality and opportunity for all people with disabilities.
We have the right to an enhanced quality of life that empowers us to pursue our life goals.
As a licensed unskilled Home Care Agency, Independent Living Resource Center Colorado (ILRCCO) provides Personal Care Services and In-Home Support Services (IHSS) to individuals with disabilities in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas and Jefferson Counties in Colorado.
Our program is based on the principles of independent living, consumer control and self-direction. Our approach is rooted in experience from a peer perspective and our services are designed to increase independence and self-sufficiency.
We Are Committed
The center provides services designed to empower individuals with disabilities to foster independence in their lives.
What We Do
Independent Living Resource Center Colorado provides services that maximize consumer's independence at home and in the community.
In-Home Support Services Program
(Medicaid & Participant Directed Program)
IHSS empowers you to direct and manage the attendants who provide your personal care, homemaker and health maintenance services, to best fit your needs with the added support of ILRCCO. Independent Living Services are also available under this program. These services include Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills Training, Individual and Systems Advocacy, Nursing Home Transition & Prevention and Information & Referral.
Personal Care Services Program
Personal Care and Homemaker Services are an integral part of the lives of many people with disabilities and older people. They enable people with disabilities to live active and fulfilling lives of their own choosing in their own homes. This is a Medicaid funded program for consumers who are on the Medicaid Waiver Programs such as Elderly, Blind and Disabled (EBD), Community Mental Health Waiver, Spinal Cord Injury Waiver.
Private Pay Program
(Personal Care & Homemaker Services)
Personal Care and Homemaker Services are available to people who are not eligible for Medicaid through our Private Pay Program. Payment plans are on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. Private Pay services are provided with the same emphasis on independent living philosophy and dedication to consumer satisfaction.